National Pledge Against Socialism

Today, the college classroom is an indoctrination center where liberal professors teach our children and grandchildren to hate the Constitution, hate conservative principles, and hate the traditional American values that have made America great.

As a freedom-loving American, you are appalled that when young conservatives dare to speak up against liberal ideas, or use their constitutional free speech rights, they face harassment and abuse. They’re ridiculed, banned to remote areas of campus designated as “free speech zones,” or stopped from speaking at all.

Add your name to the Leadership Institute’s National Pledge Against Socialism and stand against the rise of socialism in America.

Sign below and pledge to stand against socialism. 

Copyright 2021 The Leadership Institute

I Pledge to Stand Against Socialism!

I hereby denounce socialism and add my name to a growing list of Americans who are proud to believe in free markets, limited government, and hard work.

I will not sit idly by as young Americans are brainwashed into believing that socialist policies are what our nation needs.

Americans must fully reject socialism, and I’m ready to fight for the hearts and minds of the next generation to ensure my conservative principles endure!

I hereby sign the National Pledge Against Socialism.

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